Organized Chaos

Sunday, September 2, 2012

It's Been Awhile

So new and yet not so

So it again has been quite some time since I have had a chance to update my blog and there are some new things in my life that have made it interesting if nothing else...I am no longer single, I am technically employed (in a way)and I am about 2 1/2 months pregnant!  Yeah the last one surprised me too but I guess my doc was wrong, I CAN still get pregnant!  Proved him wrong lol 

Anyways, I guess you can say I have some extremely mixed feelings about this pregnancy, for one it is my third and surely gonna be my last.  Second, there were some not so nice things said to me about it when it was told to others, and third I am not sure what I am rooting for as far as the sex of the baby is.  I know the father is silently hoping for a boy, but I don't know how I feel yet, it may be because I am so busy trying to figure out what the baby will let me eat without making me sick. The other thing that worries me is the lack of money I have...babies are even more expensive now than they were when I had my Mckenzee! I can't even imagine how hard this is going to be. especially with the father about to go to Washington to try to find work since he has some family out there willing to help him out.  I hate that I am not going to have him here to go to appointment with me and be here when I find out what the sex is and who knows if he will even be back for the delivery...I am so scared it is not even funny...but I guess I can consider this a test of my own strength...if it doesn't kill me it SHOULD make me stronger right?!  Isn't that how it goes...Although with the crap I have been through in my life I should be fricken SUPERWOMAN by now! 

Well I guess we will see how it goes, one day at a steps ha ha ha ha ha .... more another time! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Long Time....a long long time...

Yes yes I know I haven't had the time or resources to update you on the world in which I live. 

Honestly there is not too much new to tell you all...My little Mckenzee is a pre-schooler!  One of the most adorable I have to say so myself!  She is doing well in school the only exception being the shyness factor that she seems to have quite often. 

Then of course there is my little man Andy...what can I say about Andy other then I wish I had more time with him than I do...his father is such a HUGE influence on the things he does that sometime he suppresses what I know would make him really happy because he is afraid his father will be mad or laugh at him...I dunno what to do about it but I guess only time will tell.  I may take the time to sit with someone somewhere to talk to about it...maybe they can give me some advice on how to deal with approaching Jim cuz y'all know the trouble that causes!

Then I guess I should tell you about how I am now too....well in a word...lonely...the friends I have don't call or come by, I have no one to kiss as if it were my last kiss..(which from now on is the only way I am going to kiss)  I am not feeling all the joy this time of year usually brings...but I am going to chin-up it and go on with my can only get better....

So to all of you who do read my blog....Happy _HOLIDAYS/YULE/Kwanzaa/Chanukah and so on....I miss you all and hope sometime soon I can make regular updates!  

Monday, April 11, 2011

Long Time No Write...

Since I am highly doubtful that any of you have truly missed the writing styles of me or knowing my updates on the family/job/fun front, I have decided that this first update for me since the issues with my spouse and me, will be about how I am doing and what I am doing to find the new me that I want to be for me and my kids!

Okay so as most of you already know I am now officially divorced as of the end of March, I am back to living at home which is not ideal but at this time is completely what I HAVE to do right now, (you all live in this economy tell me it's easy).  I am also finding out that I am more than I thought I was, I am confident, I am cute, I am smart, I am talented, I am a good mom, and someday if I find the right person I will be the wife I should be, but now I am just me, and me is pretty awesome!  Well that is all I have time to write for now so I will update again soon and hopefully you will all start reading me again!

Lots of love you to all!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fall Fun Past and Soon!

Andy and Kenzee 2008
Time flies when you are having fun, that IS what they all say!  Well looking back at the last few years I can see all the fun this time of year has brought!

Now that it is October, it is time for us to do all the things we normally do this time of year, which means pumpkin picking, scarecrow making, carving, baking goodies, etc.

In this entry today I am going to include pictures from the past few years of these activities.  I love to look at them and see how the kids have changed and today it has inspired me to write about the fun!
Andy, Alyssa, and Haley checking out Turkeys @Ekonk

Friday, October 8, 2010

Together Time and Tummyaches

I MADE this dress! 
It is becoming harder and harder to find downtime that doesn't mean I am sick and unable to work!  Why is it I feel awful all week when I could have been making SOME money, and now that the week is over I am feeling better but now it is a busy weekend!

Anyone who was worried about me I THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart.  I myself was a little scared and am not exactly happy to hear my only issue right now is Anemia.  However at least I know that my fatigue and weakness has a reason other than my lack of sleep.  I DO need to sleep better but I also need to make an appointment with someone to have some tests done and get it maintained since it is chronic and I will probably never get rid of the issue.

Tonight we had a nice night though, we all ate dinner together and then the kids watched some cartoons and colored while dinner was cleaned up.  Then after that they took showers and Mckenzee came downstairs with me to watch Beauty and the Beast and Andrew watched Iron Man 2 with DJ.

They loved the movies so much that they had to bring them back to their rooms and wanted to put them in as their "nighttime" movies!  They even loved the cupcakes they each had and they drank ALL of the milk they were given (and it wasn't even chocolate)!

On another note I am enjoying this fall weather so far, and I am hoping that it stays just as gorgeous for tomorrow and Sunday as well.  This Sunday we are supposed to be going to get pumpkins with the kids!  We have been going for the last four years and I have taken pics of the kids every time and this year will be no different I am hoping to continue the tradition as long as I can, plus it is cool to see how they each change from year to year!

Check out these pics from the last few years:


I am hoping to have the great weather again so that I can get another great shot of the kids together!  I will surely be posting pictures on either Sunday night or Monday morning!  

Well I am off to bed now I have to keep three kids busy and out of trouble tomorrow!  Haley will be visiting for a bit and I am sure if the weather is good and I have plenty of crayons, ideas, and memory on my camera to catch a fun day! 

Later my faithful readers!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Autumn is Here!

 Today was not a bad day, the cool air, our fall clothes, and pumpkins!

The kids had fun at Hart's Greenhouse Fall Festival.  The each picked their own little mini pumpkins and played in an area all filled with hay!

 I spent some time going around looking at all the beautiful mums they had, my favorite had yellow centers with red around the edges!  Mckenzee liked the yellow ones and the purple ones that had a frequent winged friend visiting it!
 They also entered some pictures into a coloring contest and went through a spooky "haunted" tunnel!  They liked it so much they did it a second time!

They wanted to get BIG pumpkins but I told them they had to wait until next weekend when we go to the pumpkin patch to pick them with my mother and the rest of the clan!

 They went through a little hay maze, at first Andy went the wrong way, I think mostly because he wanted to crawl through the tunnel of hay but that was okay because everyone followed him and it was fun for them all!

They then enjoyed some apples picked at a local orchard and some freshly made ice cream made from cows that were just milked three days ago!
 They visited with some kittens from Kitty Harbor, Inc that were looking for homes.  Unfortunately we cannot get a kitten at this time but I told the kids that when they get a little bigger and we move THEN maybe we can get a kitten! I would love to have another little black and white kitten but I would also like a puppy and a few millions dollars to so I am just a dreamer!
 Once we were pretty much done we took some pictures with some funny cutouts.  I got each of the kids in all three of the cutouts, plus some of DJ in them as well!

Not a bad day so far what can I say.  Tonight the in-laws are out for the night and we are having some friends over to play some games and share some laughs.  Should be fun!

More later my faithfuls!

On a side note, this picture of Kenzee with the Buddha is probably my favorite of the day !